Papua New Guinea

Gourmet Papua New Guinea Vanilla, Planifolia

Gourmet Papua New Guinea Vanilla, Planifolia

Gourmet Papua New Guinea Vanilla, Planifolia

Well-Balanced Vanilla Beans From Papua New Guinea. Vanilla Beans from Papua New Guinea are high-quality vanilla beans. Their fragrance is heavy and well balanced, producing strong notes of chocolate and butter with caramel notes with the following standards.

PNG produces both bourbon vanilla bean and Vanilla tahitensis. Average vanilla beans per pound 120-150 count.

All natural, gluten-free, kosher, non GMO. Did you know that in 1841 a 12 year old slave by the name of Edmond Albius who lived on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean discovered that the vanilla orchid could be hand pollinated therefore allowing for global cultivation of the Vanilla beans. Always store vanilla beans in an airtight container in a cool and dark place.
Gourmet Papua New Guinea Vanilla, Planifolia