Papua New Guinea

Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture

Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture
Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture

Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture

Imposante planche votive en bois provenant d'une maison de cérémonies et présentant un visage stylisé évoquant la fertilité. Ces planches, placées dans la maison des hommes, montrent des dessins qui sont la représentation abstraite d'ancêtres ou d'éléments naturels animaux et plantes totémiques, lune, soleil, étoiles, etc. Ce sont de véritables tableaux artistiques dont les symboles sont une écriture à part entière... Impressive cult board coming from a Haus Tambaran.

Those boards are interesting as they show very old patterns that refers to ancestors or natural elements such as totemic animals, plants, moon, sun etc. It's like a carved wood board, in a certain way very modern, and with no doubt very artistic. They are placed in the spirit house and replace our wrinting. Photos : David & Amélie GODREUIL. RETROUVEZ NOUS AUSSI SUR / JOIN US ON.

Planche votive, cult board, oceanic art, papua new guinea, tribal art, sculpture